Employees of "Voden -Iry Hissar", TP DLS"Rositza" and TP DGS Razgrad took part in a short course in Forestry Pedagogy, organized by TPD "Voden -Iri Hissar" take a part in short course "Forestry Pedagogy", organized by TP DLS "Voden - Iry Hissar" with the cooperation of Executive Forest Agency (EFA).
The training was lead by eng. D-r Anna Petrakieva, chief expert at EFA and lecture at University of Forestry - Sofia.
The course ended with practical knowledge with children from schools in Razgrad, included in the program "ECO SUMMER 2018" - a joint initiative of the Center for Students, Technical and Scientific Creativity in Razgrad and Municipality of Razgrad.
The children`s visit to the "Voden- Iri Hisar" State Hunting Area has become an uforgettable holiday for all children, teachers and participants in the Forest Education course.